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- 品牌:米勒
- 货号:FS789542
- 价格: ¥3200/台
- 发布日期: 2024-03-27
- 更新日期: 2025-02-27
外型尺寸 | DN25-DN1200 |
货号 | FS789542 |
品牌 | 米勒 |
用途 | 控制介质流动 |
型号 | Miller |
工作压差 | 30 |
制造商 | 美国米勒阀门公司 |
压力环境 | 常压 |
介质温度 | 200℃ |
驱动方式 | 气动 |
适用介质 | 其他 |
是否进口 | 是 |
- 阀体材质: UPVC(聚氯乙烯)
- 阀门公称通径(DN): 15mm至200mm
- 压力等级(PN/Class): PN10、PN16
- 工作温度范围: 0°C至60°C
- 操作方式: 气动操作
- 气源压力: 0.4MPa至0.8MPa
- 连接方式: 法兰连接、螺纹连接、接口连接等
- 耐腐蚀耐磨损: 阀体采用UPVC材质,具有优异的耐腐蚀性和耐磨损性,适用于腐蚀性介质的控制。
- 密封性能好: 采用PTFE密封圈,具有良好的密封性能,可靠防止介质泄漏。
- 操作方便: 采用气动执行器操作,操作简便,可远程控制和监控。
- 结构简单: 结构简单、体积小、重量轻,易于安装和维护。
- 适用范围广: 广泛应用于化工、水处理、污水处理、农业灌溉等领域,用于介质的控制和调节。
美国米勒官方品牌厂家,是国外阀门行业精英厂家,在生产阀门历史上,不断研发新型产品,其中进口球阀的生产水准,选用米勒先进仪器,在经过层层叠叠的复杂工艺,生产出的进口球阀的产品质量更是达到登峰造极。美国米勒是 的流体流动设备制造商。米勒公司以其创新、高质量的产品和 的客户服务而闻名。其总部位于美国特拉华州,MILLER 在为住宅、商业和工业应用提供解决方案方面拥有悠久的历史,并且在 多个国家设有制造和分销设施。
在进口球阀上,我们有着专业的知识,是生产进口球阀等系列产品精英 厂家,需询问进口球阀 格请致电联系我们。因场地不同,所需需求不同,我们将根据你的需求做出定制服务,或有疑问欢迎咨询我们,我们将会对您进行专业解答。
INC. Headquartered in the State of Delaware, it is dedicated to the production, design and development of high-quality common valves and control valves. In 1984, it was founded in the State of Delaware by Mr. JEREMY MILLER. After decades of development and research made by the dedicated engineers constantly, our products pass the certification one after another, with offices and agents set up in many countries worldwide. MILLER Valves are now using the world's advanced processing equipment, production technology and detection equipment and under rigorous quality inspection, our products have reached the advanced level with one hundred percent pass rate. Products are widely used in: petrochemical fields, power systems, metallurgy and water systems, etc.
在进口球阀上,我们有着专业的知识,是生产进口球阀等系列产品精英 厂家,需询问进口球阀 格请致电联系我们。因场地不同,所需需求不同,我们将根据你的需求做出定制服务,或有疑问欢迎咨询我们,我们将会对您进行专业解答。
INC. Headquartered in the State of Delaware, it is dedicated to the production, design and development of high-quality common valves and control valves. In 1984, it was founded in the State of Delaware by Mr. JEREMY MILLER. After decades of development and research made by the dedicated engineers constantly, our products pass the certification one after another, with offices and agents set up in many countries worldwide. MILLER Valves are now using the world's advanced processing equipment, production technology and detection equipment and under rigorous quality inspection, our products have reached the advanced level with one hundred percent pass rate. Products are widely used in: petrochemical fields, power systems, metallurgy and water systems, etc.